Frequently Asked Questions

What is FeedBackUp


FeedBackUp is a products and services review platform that’s open to everyone. Share your experiences to help others make better choices and encourage companies and individuals to level up their game.

Why should I use FeedBackUp?


To share your experience on a product or service to help other make better choices.

How do I get started with FeedBackUp?


You can just SignUp to get started.

Do I need to create an account to use this service?


Yes, you need to create an account to get started with FeedBackUp.

Can I display my FeedBacks in my portfolio?


Yes you can, FeedBackUp provides a platform for developers which allow you to display your clients feedback in your portfolio in an iframe.

Do I need to pay for a suscription to use FeedBackUp?


No you don't need to pay for a suscription, FeedBackUp is a free service

Who can use FeedBackUp?


FeedBackUp is available to individuals and business owners all over the world.

© 2022 FeedBackUp. All rights reserved.